At times we all feel that we are carrying around a 50 pound weight on our shoulders for one reason or another. Have you had a day like that lately? You know you are moving along and things are going fine, but it just seems a tad bit harder to walk down the path. The load seems heavy and we are struggling to power up the hill of life. The first thing I want you to remember is that everyone has had a day or two like this, that’s right everyone. I’m sure mother Teresa, Jesus, Gandhi and the Dali Llama have all had a heavy day. But just like them we too all have the command of our day to “Lighten the Load”
You will be surprised at how easy or hard it can be to do!
Are you wondering what in the world is Cynthia talking about today? That’s right you heard me correctly, “you will be surprised at how EASY or HARD it can be”
To lighten your cargo, liberate your mind, body and soul, you need to do one simple thing…allow yourself permission to release the burden. Easy right?? Well guess what it is if you know how, but here is where the hard part can come. We as humans just love to make things harder than they are; we love to over analyze and take the easy recipe for life and turn it in to a flambĂ©.
So here is the easy recipe, with just four easy steps:
1) 1 Cup of Listening
2) 7 ½ Cups Willingness
3) 5 Cups Breathing
4) A Pinch of Releasing
Sit and listen for at least 1 full cup (as long as it takes to feel you are ready to cook up a great day), stir in 7 ½ Cups of willingness (willingness is the best ingredient for all GREAT cooks) Take a few deep breaths (5 is a good place to start), stir in a pinch of releasing and bake in the oven of light and self love for the reminder of the day!
Hope your day is as light as you are!
Join Cynthia On her Radio Show on Oct 17th at 9:00am pst as chat about about "Lighten up"
Much Body Love,
Cynthia Sharp
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