1) Awareness. Be aware of your feelings, do you have a lack of body love? Is this affecting your relationships? Ask yourself this, do I stop doing things because of my body image, dating, going out with friends or do I run from the camera?
If you said "yes" to any one of these than keep reading.
2) Acceptance. It's Ok not to be crazy about every inch of your body sometimes. But it's not OK to not accept it. This is an important step in loving yourself and letting love in. The goal is for total body love in the long run, but start with the good stuff. What can you love and accept about your body today?
3) Stop now. If up till now you have been pretty mean to yourself than stop now! You know what I mean by mean? If you say things to yourself that you would not say to a dog, that's mean! Today is a new day and you can feel better and do better just by saying this "I'm willing to change, love my body today and I feel safe doing this"
4) Forgiveness. Let the past go. Forgive yourself and others for not loving you the way you needed to be loved. A good way to do this is make a forgiveness list and when thoughts fill your brain with what you would like to let go, send them to your forgiveness list. You will find after a few days of doing this you will feel a weight lifted off your shoulders and forgiveness will step in.
5) Allowing. The last and most important of the 5 ways to empower yourself with body love is, allowing. Allowing is when you are ready to allow love to step in and you no longer have a wall up, because you are ready to love and be loved. Slowly but surely allow love to come to you and when it does take a deep breath in, smile and open your arms.
Open your heart and let love in!
Much Body Love,
Cynthia Sharp
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