
Bond to the life you want in 2010!

Was 2009 all that you wanted?

Are you leaving this year wanting more?

More love, more passion, more time, more of the life you desire.

Think back on this past year what was it you could just not quite get your hands on? Sometimes we just miss our mark because we are not sure how to bond to the things we want the most. Bond? Cynthia, what are you talking about? Body bonding is all about, learning to accept the things in life you want the most and grab them and keep them when they get in arms reach. Often we get close to our goal and let it slip away, because we don’t know how to grab it, bond to it and keep it. Your body has the hidden code that is the key to your deepest desires. But how do we unlock that code? Many people have asked me how can I take the body bonding principals use them to start the New Year.

Start 2010 with these steps to bond to the life you yearn for;

1. Get a piece paper and break it in to three sections, label one section “what’s working”, another, “what’s not working” and the last “I’m willing to take a look at this”

2. Take a deep breath and just start writing, filling up the two sections, “what is working” and “what is not working.” Leaving the “I’m willing to take a look at this” blank.

3. Now take a look at that list and do the Bonding Double Check. It works like this; take a look at each thing on your list with a relaxed view (relax and allow). As you read each thing out loud on the list, really allow your body to get involved in the process. As you read each one, stop after and check in with your body. How does it feel, what messages does it send you? Let’s just say that on your list in the section, what is working, you wrote”I have career that I like”. You read that out loud and you notice you feel a small pit building in your solar plexus (abdomen area). Maybe it’s time to take a closer look at that job or your career. Maybe, you love what you do, but don’t enjoy the environment you work in or wish you could have more input with company decisions. Whatever the case this maybe something you may want to look a closer look at. If that feels right to you, move that idem to the section “I’m willing to take a look at this” Please keep in mind that the purpose of this exercise is to release what is no longer needed in your life and Bond to what you want the most. At the beginning of a year is the perfect time to do a little closet cleaning and leave room for more to come to you, thus, creating the space in our minds and hearts to receive greater gifts.

4. So you should have everything in its place, but if you have a few things you’re not sure about, no need to worry, do your best and the things that are ready to be released will fall in the area of “not working for you” and the things that you want to bond to and expand will fall in to the “what’s working for me”.

5. Take a good look at what is not working for you; make a plan of how you can move these out of your life in early 2010. Now look at what is working for you, do you have a loving relationship or a wonderful friend on that list, maybe a child or family member you enjoy spending time with? Maybe it’s as simple as your garden that brings you joy. Think of ways you can expand and bond your life closer to these things that are really working for you. Look at 2010 and say “how can I have more of these things and less of the things that are not working for me anymore?” Remember this as you walk though your year, check back with your body, listen to its messages, hear what it has to say to you and be open to its guidance.

6. You still have an area you have not looked at and that is the “I’m willing to take a look at this” As the year goes by check back on these and see if they may need a little of your attention, if so start working on them as the time feels right.

This simple, but profound, time that you spend with self and your body, may just be the best way to get you bonding to the life you want. What a wonderful way to spend a new afternoon in 2010. Drawing your life intention closer to what you want to bond with and releasing what no longer works. Giving room in your life for more love, more passion, better relationships and more time for you and bonding to your greatest year yet!

Much Body Bonding Love,
Cynthia Sharp
Your Body Bonding Coach


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