That's right lets just say it....let's say it loud...let's yell it from roof tops. "FAT" I hear all sorts of people, mostly women say this word in a whisper at lunch, call it another word, plump, round or chunky. Like it's a dirty word. You would think it was the other "F" word for gods sake.
So what do you think about breaking the rules and just call fat, fat. Where did it start that if you were a twig you were looked at as beautiful. Can't WE all have beauty? From twig to fat equal beauty. I know what your thinking... "get real Cynthia, all girls are not created equal, some are more beautiful that others" I say "who says?" Can't each one of us stand alone and own our OWN beauty. Everyone should have at least a few things that you know are your standout beauty queen items. Make a list and keep it some where close.
Here is mine.
Cynthia's beauty queen list:
- I love my feet,they are just perfect!
- I love the color of my eyes. (hazel/green)
- I have GREAT hair. I have big FAT huge hair and in the 80's I would have been a beauty queen. I still have the same big hair and It just rocks! I know straight flat hair is in...but who cares, lovin my hair!
Final thoughts. Have you ever seen a baby run across the floor and it's little bottom jiggles and it has dimples, up,down,up,down those fat little cellulite bottoms go. And what do we do as we look on, do we think ,look at all that "FAT", do we cringe at the cellulite? No, we laugh, we smile and were happy because it's cute. Well so are you, jiggles and all!
So get out your beauty queen list read it out loud, pull off your clothes and run across the floor. Jiggle, Jiggle and Jiggle some more. Laugh, smile and be full of joy, because fat is not another dirty word. You are beautiful!
Cynthia Sharp, Body Bonding Coach
Don't miss my next BB Radio Show; GirlFriends-A Fat Chat. Sept 22nd at 9:00am psthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/bodybond
Love this...I'm going to start my beauty queen list today!!
I really needed some one to say that. I'm so sick of people running from the fat word. Sure I have a few inches to pinch. But I think they look pretty good.
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