
Body Bonding is based on three moving principals: Truth, Desire and Acceptance.

Body Bonding is based on three moving principals: Body Bonding is based on three moving principals: Truth, Desire and Acceptance.

Truth is to know yourself on a deep level through self discovery and understanding of your personal self. Truth is to be who you are when you allow your authentic self to shine through for all the world to see. Truth is when you understand at a core level that you are already perfect and that outside change may not equal inside happiness.

Desire is the inner passion that once it takes affect moves you beyond any where that you can possibly dream. Desire is what steps in when you are no longer focused on what you feel needs changing, thus moving you to Bonding with your beautiful body. Desire is the willingness to live what really matters to you so you can create a whole life experience of fulfillment.

Acceptance is loving yourself and others. Acceptance is to release feelings of fear, shame or that old thought that your just not "good enough". Acceptance is the final stage of Body Bonding where forgiveness and gratitude has taken place and you connect with yourself on a level that up till this time, has only been a life long dream.

Truth is to know yourself on a deep level through self discovery and understanding of your personal self. Truth is to be who you are when you allow your authentic self to shine through for all the world to see. Truth is when you understand at a core level that you are already perfect and that outside change may not equal inside happiness.

Desire is the inner passion that once it takes affect moves you beyond any where that you can possibly dream. Desire is what steps in when you are no longer focused on what you feel needs changing, thus moving you to Bonding with your beautiful body. Desire is the willingness to live what really matters to you so you can create a whole life experience of fulfillment.

Acceptance is loving yourself and others. Acceptance is to release feelings of fear, shame or that old thought that your just not "good enough". Acceptance is the final stage of Body Bonding where forgiveness and gratitude has taken place and you connect with yourself on a level that up till this time, has only been a life long dream.

Much Body Love, Cynthia Sharp


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